Education and Training

Contour Lines work focuses on direct action, on planting food forest agroforestry systems. Training therefore occurs on site, as our team of local technicians organize communities of famers, directly design and plant their sites alongside them, then return for maintenance and training.

Education occurs in-field, learning is hands-on, not an ends in itself but a necessary means for long-term success of these projects. And while project implementation is 95% of our focus, and while “education” occurs organically over the course of planting these agroforestry systems, Contour Lines recently has launched some supplemental education and training initiatives:

Internships – To date Contour Lines has hosted 2 groups of 13 students from a local alternative school, Ak’tenamit. These internships not only provided these youth with skills and opportunity, but also provided Contour Lines with the manpower to expand our work into new regions.

Demonstration sites
7 sites in [3 departments throughout Guatemala], these sites serve as research & development for Contour Lines. They generate income through sales, seed and tours. They also serve as educational locations for….

Tours and workshops – Contour Lines to date has hosted over two dozen events, from grafting training at our partner nursery to agroforestry training in the villages of our local technicians.

Through these initiatives (and mostly of course through our work directly planting food forests), we have to date trained over 17,000 locals, including 24 who are now experienced teachers themselves, and included over 8,000 women in regenerative agriculture. See Our Impact>>>>

(See our full 2019-2022 statistics) Example sites include the Don Adolfo Pilot Project and the agroforestry projects at Wubu.

Skills built through above initiatives:

Site Design

Planting on Contour

Planting Polycultures



Sustainable Road Design

Organic Pest Control

Value-added Processing

To support the continued training of these regenerative skills, donate through paypal here or click the button below.